Sunday, February 19, 2006

Passed my Biological prime

While watching a talk given by Ray Kurzweil (Innovation Everywhere—How the Acceleration of “GNR” (genetics, nanotechnology, robotics) Will Create a Flat and Equitable World), I was struck by the table on the average life expectancy of an average human over different periods in the past. Life was truly short and brutish back then! (Only 18 for Cro Magnons! I'm truly way passed my biological prime). Interesting how life expectancy has almost doubled in the last 100 years though.

Average Life Expectancy (Years):
Cro Magnon = 18
Ancient Egypt = 25
1400 Europe = 30
1800 EUrope & U.S. = 37
1900 U.S. = 48
2002 U.S. = 78

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney's Hunting Trip Mishap

"Hunting fo' Wabbits and... Tewohwistss!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Zen of Photography

taking photographs
losing self in surroundings
capturing moments

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Diggnation, a highly recommended podcast video show, has got me hooked to watching every episode. It's about two guys chillin' with some beers, talking about stories that were submitted to the social bookmarking site, (and that have high "digg" scores). Very entertaining! Check it here

Moon Drop Jewelry

I feel like I was actually productive this weekend - finally got the site up and running after overcoming many hurdles with getting it installed on the webhost. Now it's a matter of tweaking it and fixing the bugs. (I'm using the paypal enabled e-commerce starter kit as a base to start from).

Check it here


check it here

9/11 Digital Archive

Cool mashup where photos and experiences are recalled over the map of NYC - check it here