Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Google Growing

innocent in youth
disruptive adolescence
google turns evil

Lickety Split - when the solution is already out there

Tabbed browsing is cool.. but now you can have greater visibility to all of the tabs with these firefox extensions. Just the other day I was thinking about how cool it would be to view all of the tabs in one page. It's nice to see that this feature is currently available via an extension. FireFox extensions are one of the many reasons why this browser rocks!

A couple of things that would make the Viamatic foXpose extension even cooler would be to be able to toggle easily between viewing a single site and all sites using the familiar back and forth buttons or another route besides the difficult short-cut keys (control+shift+x) or button on the lower left corner of the browser. Also, whenever the pointer is hovering over a tab preview of a site it would automatically zoom in so that you can atleast read it. Maybe do like a google maps navigation thing where you can drag sections of the surface that you are looking at around. Also, to maybe be able to drag and drop the preview sections for each site around the page. Considering the frenetic pace of innovation on the net, I have every confidence that these features will be made available lickety split.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

when wild humans ATTACK!


Thursday, November 24, 2005

a thanksgiving dinner prayer

a soldier's father
his son's picture he keeps safe
deep in his wallet

a soldier's mother
Iraq time she keeps on a
watch with two faces

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Goddess of the Moon

all it took
make me

g                   e
  low and smil


Wow... a digital freudian slip, even computers have an averse reaction. (The neo-con kool-aid affects are apparently wearing off).

Monday, November 21, 2005

aggregate the aggregators - e pluribus unum

started a wordpress blog, just to check it out. Looks like there are a bunch more features compared to blogger. i really like how after an update is made in the dashboard the color slowly fades from a yellow to blue. Nice touch! But why the heck do they have to have a set of nasty looking choices for the available themes for the site?

web feeds

Graphic courtesy of Leigh Blackall

presidential foibles incommensurable

bush lied, people died
clinton, a shameful affair,
he just could not hide

#430 Buttery Cheek Anton

700 Hobo Names:
- An intro here
- Heard here
- Viewed here

Condo living woes and pros

mini-earthquake steps
ceiling tremors and boom sounds
condo living woes

from balcony view
passing birds and tree top clouds
condo living pros

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Beatles Streaming

Beatles are Streaming
Remixed, Mashed-up, and Made New
Oldies re-Emerge

Oh snap! A Beastie Boy and Beatles mash-up... nice! Wait.. now Madonna and Beatles? Oh no! You di' ant! .....Aritha, Bob Dylan, Genesis, etc.... and who is Banzai Republic ?

What a creative convoluted mesh.

* THANK YOU for having blackbird freely available!

The Handle Broke Off ?!

when handles break off
doors remain shut, pots stay put
and toilets can't flush

Time Temperamental

Time trickles from an
old leaky faucet and pours
like Niagra Falls

Net Navigation

Just a click away
My attention span shrinks to
the size of a gnat


Lock conflicts or a
Bad query/index design
Database is slow

Furniture Infatuation

Love to sleep on it,
Love to read and eat on it,
Love my big red couch

Friday, November 18, 2005


MyMedtronic mini-Web Notepad - your universe in a nutshell

"Yup... that's what I'll call it!"

Database Administration

a database is
like a tower of rocks that
dba's restack

Bonsai Haircut revisted

Previous Entry:

      I can't help but try
      to organize my thoughts in
      a haiku format

Updated Version:

      Don't try, but allow
      thoughts to reincarnate in
      fresh new haiku form

The Fun of Haiku-ing

creating haiku's
can be frustrating sometimes
or accidental

Osmotic Web

the web permeates
between our living contours
invisible soon

Careful when standing on the shoulders of gaints

When you stand on the shoulders of giants, make sure you aren't, instead, actually standing on their fingers and toes!

Jon Udell covers the mashups that are possible and considers the fuzzy line that may or may not be crossed.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Targeted Marketing

Kind of cool how google's adsense selectively displays the kinds of ads that would be appropriate to display in a particular blog or site. It may be different now.. but last I checked my google ad was advertising bonzai trees.

Something borrowed, something gained

Here is my "haiku of the moment":

the web is a lens
user's entertain and learn
from one another

Borrowed Haiku of the Moment

"the web is a lake
infinite information
about one inch deep"

- b1-66er, the reigning english haiku slugfest champion of the world

What is coming down the pike?

This thing we call the web is spawning a Cambrian Explosion of innovation and collaboration- a distruptive technology that is transforming society at all levels social, political, and economic. Yet John Doerr says that we are "still in the very early days (pre-adolescence) in where this medium is going to go". Well, I look forward to what will transpire....

"Among the most memorable features of the 1904 World's Fair was a walkway known as The Pike. It was the most extravagant entertainment area ever constructed at that time. Visitors were so stunned they would say "there was always something new coming down The Pike.""
- Rick Mullen

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So much to Blog... so little time

Things to blog about tommorrow.. if I have time:
- An awesome tool - tiddlywiki
- Gloria/mortality
- More plant pics

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Feed me Seymour

(Odawni's house warming gift)

When things get stuck

It was only a matter of time....
Before the need arose....
to have to go out...
and Purchase a Plunger...

Wishing for a Clean Slate

Underneath my Skin
A Chemical Storm Rages,
And Logic Succumbs

Stubborn Residues
Of a Secret Obsession,
Trapping me in Thought

Bonzai Haircut

I can't help but try
   to ORGANIZE my tHo..ughTs in
a haiku format:

Snip, snip, clip, snip, snap,
Rip, trim, snap... Crack!... slim, snip, snip...
....Grin... Bonzai Haircut!!

Yahoo takes SEARCH to the next level

Nice job Yahoo for placating to the user's search satisfaction with Mindset. In AJAX-style no less. Search will start to get a little less frustrating.

Feels good to own a home

Deang Meeee!

Checking out the pad of a newly minted fellow home owner


For double the flavor and double the fun,
Google and should merge to form

The Big Three "Uh-Oh!"

Today is the day,
Feels like any other day,
'cept now I'm 30!

On Pins and Needles

The Resurging Sounds
Of People Taking Deap Breaths
- FDA is Here!

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm rolling in the dough

Man! I made $0.57 so far this month through adsense! I'm rolling in the dough now!

(I truly didnt think I would make a dime).

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Icing on the cake

Now that I have a condo
It's nice to have reached a point
Where I pretty much have everything I need or want
Everything else is just...
        ...Icing on the Cake

Friday, November 11, 2005

End of the Day

At the end of the day

Oh, how I love
    to come back home

to see how much
    the plants have grown

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Models can be Geeks too

Anina discusses the "perils of being an early adopter" and "discovering the z-drive". Also, how exploring the mobile space has enhanced her data management and networking skills to be more efficient and therefore more competitive.

"They Don't Complain!" - The Good and Bad of Outsourcing

There was a Phase Review meeting that took place yesterday, where the VP's of the various departments met to discuss and consider the potential cost and benefits of the new product that is being considered. There was a moment where the software and electrical engineer managers reflected on their experience with the recent outsourcing activities. They noticed the different cultural/personality differences between the Indians and the Ukranians. The Ukranians are more aggresive and outgoing in comparison with the passive agreeable nature of the Indians.

"They don't complain! And they do what ever you tell them, which can be good and bad", said Mina. "Not like here where our engineers complain when ever you ask them to document their work. But then you don't know if your telling them to do something that you really shouldn't 'cause they won't question or disagree with you."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 and

Man! My side-bar is getting packed with so much Web 2.0 goodness! I love it!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Polyglot Blog

Language does not have to be a barrier. Click a flag on the side --->

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Don't you just love it when the whole is greater that the sum of its parts. Itunes and make a great team. There is not enough audio and video content quite yet linked up in yet. All in good time... All in good time...

The Web is Alive

Watch people post links in real-time here
About info here
There will be future killer apps that will play with this idea.. no doubt.

Embedded with the Web

Suprglu... pieces my web together? -
I'm not sure that this idea for aggregation is that attractive though.

Sculptors Searching

"We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them."

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."

- Anais Nin

The Mashup of All Mashups

In this era of mashups, or creative hybridizations, this has got to be the ultimate mashup- Internet Explorer in a Firefox tab!. In biological terms, firefox's fitness has been enhanced with this new phenotypic trait. If you can't beat 'em... eat 'em.


Good Morning Sunday... Thank God there is one more day before we all have to go back to WORK!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Girls = Evil

Brush up your algebra 'cause here's the proof.

"From Trees to Piles of Leaves"

It's that season of the year... Fall. Leaves are falling here, here, and here.

View this in IE

The beauty of TAGGING

Freeing up the user, Tagging allows the collective "wisdom of the crowd" to organize the web. This process takes over where google falls short in searching for and aggregating related information- a machine and an algorithm can only take you so far.
listen and learn here

Baby got... Back?

Listen to this pop/country version of the original rap tune. On a side note, a friend of mine way back in high school used the orignal song for his opening to his speech when he was running for school president. He ended up winning the election... I wonder if the song had anything to do with it.

Other tunes aggregated by here

Google - One Ring to Rule them All

Just Googling It Is Striking Fear Into Companies

Friday, November 04, 2005

Slurp... Yum! is truly and! It's enriched with healthy web2.0 goodness making the web more navigable and consumable (pardon the pun). Here's the beginning of my fill.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Life and Live

1) Microsoft embraces more of the web with it's announcement of Windows Live.

2) I learned today that the over-riding password is LIFE.

Two products- one aiming to provide real-time experience through online services, another aiming to sustain life.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Bitter sweet Kudos.
She has found a better match.
While another gave me a stick of RED HOT chewing gum,
I did not hesitate to gobble it up.

Where the "hub" will be and Microsoft's

Some interesting points made in the comments section of Orielly's Radar blog:

"Does Microsoft really get it? I think plus AdCenter and an improved Search will certainly help them catch up to the work going on in Google and Yahoo. Add to this Kim Cameron's work on InfoCards (Federated Trust) and the picture begins to become clearer.

Basically me the consumer will own my personal information and I will use it to personalise the information I recieve in my experience.

Therefore the adverts that appear are potentially more targetted. But how open will really be. Can I really use the Google Search bar instead of MSN if I choose? I doubt it!

IMHO we are all on the road to creating our own mashup client (My Hub) which is constructed by me simply by adding in those services (API's) that I wish to use - Flickr+Skype+Google+IM+Hotmail etc and I will use federated trust to validate my credentials to each of these service providers automagically.

Posted by: Sam Sethi at November 1, 2005 03:58 PM

Sam -- great comment. I was talking with a number of reporters, and Charles Fitzgerald of Microsoft, after the event, about my question and Bill Gates' answer, and it's clear that the question of where the "hub" will be requires a real shift in thinking. While we heard the vision is that the user is the center, what you describe is a lot closer to what real user-centricity looks like, at least on the alpha-geek fringes. But you have to realize that for ordinary users, it may not work that way. Even a configurable portal like MyYahoo or Windows Live is a stretch for many users.

The point is that there are going to be a lot of alternatives floated out to users, and that's good. No one has all this stuff right yet, and competition will help us all.

Posted by: Tim O'Reilly at November 1, 2005 06:05 PM"

So.. sure the utility of a tool can be evident but the interest and usability have to be present as well to make it popular. Like the wiki at work, Jessie was saying that people would like to make edits with a WISWIG editor. I personally prefer to spelunk the html.